Doofwad nin com poops Magno & Hanson, topped by Mayor Roth

Won’t a commission- chosen Civil Defense director catalyze competence from top to bottom? Or does civil service protocol devolve into inept performance? A commission w/power to hire & fire w/members incl. State Emergency Mgmt. Agency, FEMA, our County Fire Chief & Police Chief — can keep political favoritism & incompetence out of selecting our Hawai’i County Civil Defense director. Chief.Talmadge Magno is an absolute doofwad nin com poop who can’t even get rid of subordinate Bill Hanson. Mid-mgmt. sycophants (verb) ergo covers up facts & reports bogus fluff to agency heads, historically in all orgs — both Gov’t & private industry. The Mayor’s commission appointments to a Civil Defense Agency Commission — if at all — should be no more than the # of members to be overridden by a majority of other commissioners. Grizzled WWII veterans Scrub Tanaka (HRA), my dad (Red Cross), etc. — didn’t flub like Magno, Hanson, Roth, topped by Mayor Kim — who micromanaged CDA to smithereens aka disaster, Bro’.

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