Coming off the mountaintop — savior & redeemer Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900





To use Maureen Dowd’s words/lexicography, Nietzsche’s body of written work created a character called “God is dead [we have one shot to do good in this fleeting life of ours  — make it count!],”  a remote, superior sort who comes down from the mountaintop during campaigns to assure us that he’s just like us.

“Traditional Christianity” is not on the mountaintop.   He’s here, mingling among us, present but absent. A fence wrapped around a wall [proselytizer hypocrite].

Pulpiteers are right when they say it’s easy to imagine Traditional Christianity in the Garden of Eden.   I can visualize him right now, lapidary [stone edifice] and frozen, in the Rose Garden. A statue of himself.










Nietzsche’s affirmation of life    —















Life is worth living only if there are goals inspiring one to live. Accordingly, Nietzsche saw nihilism (“all that happen are meaningless”) as without goals.






Nietzsche discredited asceticism, because it denies one’s living in the world.


Nietzsche denied that values are objective facts which are rationally necessary, universally binding commitments:   Our evaluations are interpretations, and not reflections of the world, as it is, in itself, and, therefore, all ideations take place from a particular perspective







Nietzsche’s idealized individual invents his or her own values and creates the very terms they excel under.













Nietzsche chastens that life is full of absurdity, and one must make his and her own values in an indifferent world. One can live meaningfully (free of despair and anxiety) in an unconditional commitment to something finite, and devotes that meaningful life to the commitment, despite the vulnerability inherent to do so.












Nietzsche’s starting point was the notion that God is dead, that is, the idea of God was outmoded and limiting (Nietzsche, 1861, 1874, 1886) and that it is up to us to re-evaluate existence in light of this. He invited people to shake off the shackles of moral and societal constraint and to discover their free will in order to live according to their own desires, now the only maintainable creed in his philosophy. He encouraged people to transcend the mores [mo-rays] of civilization and choose their own standards. The important existential themes of freedom, choice, responsibility and courage are introduced for the first time.



















Although Albert Camus considered himself an atheist like Jean Paul Sartre, Camus later came to tout the idea that the absence of religious belief can simultaneously be accompanied by a longing for “salvation and meaning.” This line of thinking presented an ostensible paradox and became a major thread in defining the idea of absurdism in Camus’ writings.    Like Viktor Frankl [will to meaning] & Nietzsche [known for the will to power, whose prodigy was Alfred Adler],  Camus strived for the will to meaning in life.















Camus said that people can  strive to be “heroic nihilists,”  living with dignity in the face of absurdity, living with “secular saintliness,” fraternal solidarity, and rebelling against and transcending the world’s indifference.    Jean-Paul Sartre also espoused an unconditional commitment to something finite, and to devote a meaningful life to this commitment.    But Camus discouraged suicide unless all other alternatives are exhausted to find meaning in life, vs. Sartre’s free will to take one’s own life.













Sartre, who was an atheist, believed that if there is no God to have conceived of our essence or nature, then we must come into existence first, and then create our own essence out of interaction with our surroundings and ourselves. With this come serious implications of self-responsibility over who we are and what our lives mean. For this reason, meaning is something without representation or bearing in anything or anyone else. It is something truly unique to each person – separate, independent.











Many forms of Existentialist thinking essentially begin with the premise that life is objectively meaningless, and proceed to the question of why one should not just kill oneself; they then answer this question by suggesting that the individual has the power to give personal meaning to life.














Existential nihilism

Existential nihilism is the belief that life has no intrinsic meaning or value. With respect to the universe, existential nihilism posits that a single human or even the entire human species is insignificant, without purpose and unlikely to change in the totality of existence. The meaninglessness of life is largely explored in the philosophical school of existentialism.













ego death/spiritual awakening    —



After having suffered from long periods of suicidal depression, Tolle says he experienced an “inner transformation.”  That night he awakened from his sleep, suffering from feelings of depression that were “almost unbearable,” but then experienced a life-changing epiphany.  Recounting the experience, Tolle says,

I couldn’t live with myself any longer. And in this a question arose without an answer: who is the ‘I’ that cannot live with the self? What is the self? I felt drawn into a void! I didn’t know at the time that what really happened was the mind-made self, with its heaviness, its problems, that lives between the unsatisfying past and the fearful future, collapsed. It dissolved. The next morning I woke up and everything was so peaceful. The peace was there because there was no self. Just a sense of presence or “beingness,” just observing and watching.


Tolle recalls going out for a walk in London the next morning, and finding that “everything was miraculous, deeply peaceful. Even the traffic.” The feeling continued, and he began to feel a strong underlying sense of peace in any situation. Tolle stopped studying for his doctorate, and for a period of about two years after this he spent much of his time sitting, “in a state of deep bliss,” on park benches in Russell Square, Central London, “watching the world go by.” He stayed with friends, in a Buddhist monastery, or otherwise slept rough on Hampstead Heath. His family thought him “irresponsible, even insane.”






















Existentialism, the “philosophic movement that gives voice to the sense of alienation and despair”, which comes from “man’s recognition of his fundamental aloneness in an indifferent universe.” People whose response to the sense of emptiness and aloneness is to give excuses live in bad faith; “people who face the emptiness and accept responsibility aim to live “authentic” lives.”


Existentialists argue that “man lives in alienation from God, from nature, from other men, from his own true self.” Crowded into cities, working in mindless jobs, and entertained by light mass media, we “live on the surface of life,” so that even “people who seemingly have “everything” feel empty, uneasy, discontented.”


In Nelson W. Aldrich Jr.’s Old Money, he describes the relationship between emptiness and envy:


Envy is so integral and painful part of what animates human behavior in market societies that many people have forgotten the full meaning of the word, simplifying it into one of the symptoms of desire.


It is that (a symptom of desire), which is why it flourishes in market societies: democracies of desire, they might be called, with money for ballots, stuffing permitted. But envy is more or less than desire. It begins with the almost frantic sense of emptiness inside oneself, as if the pump of one’s heart were sucking on air. One has to be blind to perceive the emptiness, of course, but that’s what envy is, a selective blindness.


Invidia, Latin for envy, translates as ‘nonsight,’ and Dante had the envious plodding along under cloaks of lead, their eyes sewn shut with leaden wire. What they are blind to is what they have, God-given and humanly nurtured, in themselves.”

































George Washington’s warning:    Tangled alliances & jingoism/xenophobia    —




Because the Tisha B’Av spectacle was so bizarre, almost grotesque, one cannot help asking again: why were those American donors going to Israel to cheer an American candidate in an American election? Is being an American no longer good enough? In a speech in Israel in 2010, Sheldon Adelson regretted that “the uniform that I wore in the military unfortunately was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform.” Such an attitude of abasement or self-subordination toward Israel, often accompanied by a peculiar vicarious nostalgia, is not confined to American Jews or billionaires. On arriving in Jerusalem in March 2010, Joe Biden said “It’s good to be home.” What was he thinking?

As Netanyahu looks at these postures of genuflection, it is no wonder that he feels himself entitled to criticize an American president in front of the American Congress, or to “vet” Republican vice-presidential hopefuls such as Chris Christie and Rob Portman. If Netanyahu is now the most effective bundler in the Republican Party, why should he not have a say in the party’s choice of a vice-president?

George Washington thought that being Americans should be enough for us. In his great Farewell Address, he also gave some reasons why attachment to a foreign power, no matter how sentimental the affection, could only impair American liberty and independence and serve to draw the country into unnecessary wars. “Nothing,” said Washington,

is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. . . .Hence, frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. . . .The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations, has been the victim.

So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity.

Can there be any doubt what George Washington would have made of the scene of Mitt Romney and his high-rolling backers at the King David Hotel?

Washington summed up his criticism of such attachments in these climactic words of warning:

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. . . .Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other.

A contrary understanding has become so familiar in our politics that it is hard to recall when anyone last worried about excessive partiality for one nation.

We should expect no compunction, no reservation, no self-consciousness regarding the “passionate attachment” to a “favorite nation” by Romney and his foreign policy team. Part of the reason lies in the composition of the team itself. They are, to a man, alumni of the Cheney circle and the post-2001 Patriot Act security establishment, and close affiliates of the Israel lobby. But another reason for the partiality goes far back in Romney’s own life. He has been a friend of Netanyahu since their younger American corporate years together; the two have gone to each other for advice ever since, as Michael Barbaro disclosed in an April 8 story in the New York Times: they consult casually and with implicit trust, in every walk of political practice, from discussing the right strategy against Iran to canvassing the sharpest method for cutting state pensions. They share, said Barbaro (with less irony than he needed), “the same profoundly analytical view of the world.”

To readers who know this personal history, it may seem that Romney went to Jerusalem to confirm one detail of Barbaro’s story: “Mr. Romney has suggested that he would not make any significant policy decisions about Israel without consulting Mr. Netanyahu — a level of deference that could raise eyebrows given Mr. Netanyahu’s polarizing reputation, even as it appeals to the neoconservatives and evangelical Christians who are fiercely protective of Israel.” Romney could not fail to consult his personal friend who happens to lead a foreign power, since he has pledged to do so without exception, in all decisions affecting that power. It is exactly the situation that George Washington described and warned against; but Romney seems unaware of any conflict of duties or even a possible tension. During a December primary debate, Barbaro notes,

Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians, declaring: “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?'”

“What would you like me to do.” Those are the words of our intendant decider, and he means to address them, with an implied vow of fidelity, to the leader of another country. Can we read Washington’s words of 1796 addressed “to the people of the United States,” and compare Romney’s words addressed to his donors in Jerusalem, and not feel a deep disturbance? What would you like me to do?















mammon  [money is god]   —



















progressive reformers deemed dangerous to mammon scoundrels    —

















Mammon & bigotry are joined at the hip   —





Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn’t What You Think



Former GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee decreed Wednesday, Aug. 1, to be “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.” The former Republican governor of Arkansas says he “has been incensed at the vitriolic assaults on the Chick Fil-A company because the CEO, Dan Cathy, made comments recently in which he affirmed his view that the Biblical view of marriage should be upheld.”

Of course, not one word of that is accurate, not even that Dan Cathy is the CEO (his dad is), and if you’re standing in line waiting for your chicken sandwich and waffle fries, why not take a moment to learn about what Chick-fil-A really does, and — even if you’re opposed to same-sex marriage — what your money is buying.

Here are five reasons why Chick-fil-A isn’t what you think:

1) Chick-fil-A has donated at least $5 million to organizations (including a certified hate group) that, among other things, depict gay people as pedophiles, want to make “gay behavior” illegal, and even say gay people should be “exported” out of America.

Even if you oppose same-sex marriage, do you really want to support a company that advocates putting gay people in jail, or “exporting” them, just because they’re gay?

2) Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy didn’t merely say he supports traditional marriage. Dan Cathy said if you support gay marriage, you “are inviting God’s judgment on our nation,” and that we “shake our fist at Him” when we do. Dan Cathy also said same-sex marriage is the result of a “deprived” mind and called it “twisted up kind of stuff.”

Even if you don’t support same-sex marriage, do you really think gay marriage is “inviting God’s judgment on our nation”? Haven’t we all heard enough blame from those who claim to speak for the Lord, like after Katrina or, more recently, after the shooting in Aurora, Colo.?

3) Chick-fil-A supports organizations that have claimed they can change gay people into straight people — “pray away the gay” — despite the fact that practically every major medical organization has stated that this is not only impossible but dangerous and harmful.

Even if you don’t support same-sex marriage, do you support fake “science” that is known to harm the very people it claims to help?

4) The media keep saying Chick-fil-A has never discriminated, but the truth is that Chick-fil-A has been sued over a dozen times for employment discrimination. That’s what a leading business publication, Forbes, stated in 2007, when they also called Chick-fil-A a “cult” and reported that Chick-fil-A’s founder and CEO Truett Cathy said he wanted to hire married people because they are more industrious and productive. Truett Cathy has also said he would probably fire someone who “has been sinful or done something harmful to their family members.”

Even if you don’t support same-sex marriage, do you want to support what some call a “cult” whose CEO says he would fire employees for “being sinful”?

5) Chick-fil-A is just exercising their First Amendment rights by running a business based on the Bible, right? Wrong. There’s a line between the “free exercise of religion” and violating the law. If Chick-fil-A is violating the law by discriminating against gay people, or by firing women so that they can be “stay home” moms, as one woman who is suing Chick-fil-A says in court documents, that’s not exercising religious expression or free speech, and that’s not a First Amendment issue. It may be, if the court decides, a violation of the law.

Even if you don’t support same-sex marriage, do you want to support a company that might fire women to force them to be “stay home” moms against their will?

There are plenty of good restaurants that are happy to work hard for your hard-earned dollar. Why support a company that is working so hard to deny people their rights?













C-Span is our greatest TV education medium, & C-Span genesis Brian Lamb is my favorite interviewer for Brian’s folksy yet profoundly truth-seeking method   —






























Go to the Nihon Restaurant lanai/porch 20 feet above sea level & you shall comprehend the inescapable majestic beauty of our Hilo bay black sand beach where the canoe regatta berth is.     Visualize all of Hilo bay from Wailoa basin to Wailuku river a mile to the north to absorb the unmatched beauty of Hilo bay before the 20th century’s railroad was built [same location where today’s bayfront highway is from the canoe regatta berth to Wailuku river] at the turn of the last century  — the railroad resulted in an artificial shoreline rock wall which covered the former wide swath of black sand which you see in the 1800s photos.
















Pi’ihonua oyabun Uchinanchu/OkinawanHenry Shimabukuro born 1931 [retired Air Force top brass laser weapons intelligence] reminds me of Robin Hood — dress down the rich & correctly care for the poor  — Henry promulgated lease to fee simple grassroot “piece of the rock” preservation of Pi’ihonua camps 3-5 two miles above Hilo tourist site Rainbow Falls.   BTW, Henry pinned down crybaby Jim Albertini born 1946 when Jim poured blood on the files at Hickam AFB in the most famous anti-war protest in Hawai’i 41 yrs. ago.   Nearly 6 foot strapping Italian coal miner’s son Jim thought that Jim was going to die at the hands of 5’3″ dynamo Henry.


Henry’s uncle & centenarian Jesse Shima[bukuro] 1902-2002 of Hilo is the greatest Nikkei/Japanese in America because of Jesse’s international statesmanship in bringing post-WWII Japan via Hirohito & prime minister Shigeru Yoshida into the fold of U.S. government constitutional paradigms, despite Honolulu’s Bill Castle’s write-ups  —,_Jr.#Out_of_power


Jesse’s Nikkei legacy far surpasses Mike Masaoka 1915-1991, Mike credited with U.S. naturalization for immigrant Japanese  —  Masaoka got lobbying monies from Hawai’i Issei immigrants who were not interned [did not lose monies/wealth] like Mainland “kotonk” immigrants  — but Masaoka bypassed Hawai’i Issei/Nisei [2nd generation] supporter & Congressman Joe Farrington in order to avoid giving credit to Hawai’i buddaheads/Japanese for attaining naturalization legislation, just as Masaoka falsely tried to take credit for forming our Hawai’i 100th Batt. & 442nd all-Nisei WWII combat units which were formed by Hawai’i prophet & Chinaman Rev. Hung Wai Ching 1905-2002.    Masaoka’s wife’s baby brother is Norman Mineta.   


Jesse’s internationalism/trans-Pacific/trans-national legacies far surpass Masaoka’s brother-in-law Mineta & Hawai’i JCS member Eric Shinseki.    Dan Inouye is zero/useless on international policy & known solely as Hawai’i most important modern person [pork barrel/earmarks on Capitol Hill], though President Obama born 1961 is a native-born resident of Hawai’i but made his mark in Chicago & in the White House.



Jesse was Jim Hagerty’s dear friend, Jim just a high school grad but Jim was President Eisenhower’s go-to kozo/younger protege, & Jim is the longest-serving press secretary to the U.S. President.



Jesse also was Harry Hopkins’ dear friend — Hopkins was FDR’s lend lease braintrust & a confidant/member of FDR’s closest inner circle NY gang.      Truman was unable to pick up Hopkins for Truman’s team because Hopkins died of cancer.



Jesse is the mo’o ali’i successor to the authentic line of our greatest abolitionists, starting with our Quakers [& later our NE Congregationalists], followed by our greatest U.S. Senator, Henry Clay [“I’d rather be right than be President of our Country”] of Kentucky,   followed by Clay’s kozo/prodigy Abraham Lincoln, followed by Lincoln’s kozo/protege & Jesse’s hanai father U.S. Sen. John Henderson of Missouri [author of 13th Amendment outlawing slavery forever even in private facilities after Lincoln’s death  — also the deciding vote in not impeaching President Andrew Johnson  — “the office is more important than the person occupying it”  — this had tremendous salience with traditional countries in Asia & Europe like China & France], followed by Jesse himself as Henderson’s dearest wife’s kozo/prodigy.   In Jesse — Henderson’s wife was psychic & experienced Henderson’s reincarnation via Jesse.



Jesse was dearest friend of Howard U. [the Harvard of African-Americans in the heart of D.C. ] Mordecai Johnson, who enabled legal eagles Charles Hamilton Houston/Thurgood Marshall in the most famous Supreme Court case of all time — Brown v. Bd. of Education 1954.      Jesse was the real deal abolitionist.





Unlike Jeffersonians [Declaration of Independence, Jefferson pro-slavery] Hung Wai Ching & Gov. Jack Burns of shantytowns Emma Lane & Kalihi in Honolulu,  Hilo’s Jesse was the blueblood pedigree/real thing & successor to authentic abolitionists Quakers-later Congregationalists/Clay/Lincoln/Henderson.    Jesse was studied by keen Japan-phile & Anglophile Chou En Lai, just as Chou studied Hung Wai Ching [Chou’s close friend immigrated to/lived in Hawai’i].    Jesse even went to Red China preparatory to Nixon’s opening up of relations with Red China.   But unlike propagandist shils Koji Ariyoshi 1914-1976 [plus point is Koji’s genesis of today’s Hawaiian sovereignty via ethnic studies movement at UH-Manoa] & Yasuki Arakaki 1917-2005 [plus point is Yasu’s genesis of modern Democratic Party of Jack Burns] of Mao, mature sage Jesse had tremendous clarity/equanimity & was not gullible to the glamor/danger/thrill of Commie talk so rampant/pernicious in the 1930s.   Koji is the Hawai’i 7 principal, & Yasu is the Reluctant 39 principal.   Koji is from Keopu/Kailua Kona [where astronaut Ellison Onizuka 1946-1986 was born 32 yrs. later to a much easier life vs. haole persecution against Koji– Ellison’s family store bldg. still existent along old Mamalahoa Hwy in Keopu], & Yasu is from Kea’au [fka Ola’a][Uchinanchu Yasu married “out of race” Kona Sen. Julian Yates’ daughter].     Both Koji/Yasu were boneheads & not adaptable/flexible like Jesse  — but Koji/Yasu had undying yamato damashii — courage — like Jesse  — & would take bullets so that others could live.



BTW, Burns progenitor Chuck Mau was talked about in the highest reaches of government as post-WWII ambassador/emissary to Taiwan, but President Truman nixed Mau’s appointment because of Mau’s 1930s pro-Commie stance — sadly for ‘Opihikao Jack Kawano, also Burns’ progenitor, Mau badly advised Kawano to turncoat vs. fellow progressives Reluctant 39/Hawai’i 7  — because Mau wanted to clean up Mau for Mau’s hoped-for appointment to be ambassador to Taiwan.




Jesse was the Issei/Nikkei in America’s greatest friend  — Jesse enabled interned Seabrook NJ Farms Nikkei to start again amid WWII prejudice  — today’s Tony Honda’s Tony Masamitsu [Tony’s older brother was my Dad’s 442nd combat brother in arm] attributes the Masamitsu survival/financial restoration post-WWII to Jesse.   Jesse advocated equal footing for many other interned Nikkei, including grocers/farmers/etc.
























The difference between Tom Coffman born 1943 & me is that Tom gets paid to write/produce via flick/documentary  [ghost wrote for Ariyoshi e.g. Okage Sama De autobio/video “First Battle” about Hung Wai Ching].    I write/produce  because I’m not paid.     Exhibit A:   Tom knows nothing about Jesse Shima, simply because Tom was not paid to research/investigate Jesse.   I sleuth because I do not get paid to propagandize the customer/cause celebre’  [as Tom does via George Ariyoshi  — no relation to Koji Ariyoshi — etc. etc.].







We are born writers in the sense that we are born storytellers. Language is who we are to the world.  Our ability to tell our story with clarity and panache will make the difference between being heard and being ignored.









We like to think that artistic genius, at least, feeds on solitude. It is not uncommon for new writers to worry that they will become less distinct, less original, if they spend too much time sharing ideas with their peers. But consider the case of Jorge Luis Borges. When he went to Europe as a young aspiring poet, he found his feet (and an education) in the tertulias of Madrid. Returning to his native city of Buenos Aires, he continued the habit. The almost nightly conversations he had with Adolfo Bioy Casares and other writers fed directly into his writing, and into theirs. If Latin America literature then went off in a direction not yet possible in Europe and North America, it is largely thanks to this unruly group of literary hybrids, who drew as much inspiration from Edgar Allen Poe and G.K. Chesterton as they did from Shakespeare and Verlaine. They gave each other the courage to be break conventions, question received ideas, and imagine the unimaginable. – Maureen Freely

I was 20 when my daughter was born, 40 when my oldest grandchild/mo’opuna kane was born, 50 when my middle grandson was born [among 5 grandchildren, 3 boys, 2 girls], and nearly 60 when my youngest grandchild/mo’opuna wahine was born.    


My parents whom I worship and miss dearly were 40 years older than me.    My mature parents were tutus/grandparents to me in age chronology, & I am blessed by their mature wisdom/magnanimity & composure/equanimity.   


 My parents died 15 years ago 4 months apart [coincidence  — Mom died of a stroke/Dad died 4 months later from cancer].


I felt like a grandchild blessed with the most loving & supportive tutus/grandparents in the world, though when I was a barefoot plantation toddler here in Wainaku [Ha’aheo Elem. School atop Kamehameha the Great’s most beautiful pu’u/hilltop]  — I felt terribly embarassed that my parents were fuddy-duddy oldsters vs. my village kid peers’ parents, and that my mom worked, so that I never came home to a homemaker mom who had cookies laid out for me on the kitchen table in our old plantation mill camp.    


When my parents died 15 years ago, I suddenly crossed over to be a tutu/grandparent to my burgeoning mo’opuna/grandkids.   


I don’t remember being a child [in a most blessed sense], but undeniably I was blessed/gifted [of the spirits?  Cor./Romans/Ephesians/Peter/etc.] as a grandchild would be, with my dearest parents who were like grandparents to me in wisdom/countenance.    


Nor do I remember being a parent [my daughter who is approaching middle age at 40  — laughingly tells me that I was a lousy party animal parent but above all else  — I loved my daughter more than anything/anyone in the whole wide world  — and this is the only thing which counted for my daughter, which is/means everything to her!!].    


But now here I am as a grandparent [by default  — ha ha  ha — still a party animal], and wow, time flies, baby! !!


And now I am by default/pied piper via hedonism/elan tutu again to 2 dearest “hanai”/emotional attachment — mo’opuna  — Colton age 27 & Jill age 22, grandkids to me in age chronology!   I ask Colton how may I be of service to him/Jill, & Colton shoots back, “Don’t!   Just be you!”    Gatz!   Who am I????   [ha ha    ;-)    ]   


Foggy bottom, baby   — is my head — spinning like a top???!!    Ha ha!   Dig my hero George Harrison’s video   –   [40 years from age 20 to 60 for me  — go by in the blink of an eye!!][Maui resident Harrison died of cancer at age 58 after 9/11 & a year after this You Tube video was produced] 


Yes, I hope to make it to age 80 & still feel like a passionate teenager in love!!   Ha ha ha!!        Enjoy [the treats below], baby!!!








Age is a   figment of our imagination     — our core being is   ageless!       –


See especially timeclock 4:19 to 5:05 of youtube below about Harrison’s opinion on aging as soulfully deepest youth enjoyed  –




















and experience old fuddy duddy John Potter as ever-exciting Potter boogies with his compads/pals  — go to timeclock 1:50 here  –













Write, firmly believing that imagination is the quintessential self/the quintessential way of “knowing” the world. This imaginative knowing has the potential to dispel barriers that isolate individuals and communities. Exercising imaginative “knowing” allows, always, for a potentially transcendent narrative, that is trans-global, trans-cultural and speaks to our common humanity. – Jewell Parker Rhodes
















 Yep, I was born to boogie, baby!










and so are these swell gals from Europe, roscoe!!   —
















and the great Frances Langford   —









and dance this duo does with aplomb, Petunia!!     —







as do these divine heartful folks    —






























Great self-respect [self-esteem]  — Col. Bogey’s March  –






and our magical hand in hand solidarity at the keyboard of life  –



















Beautiful song title  ”Nothing can change this love I have for you“      –










[Sam Cooke original]















try a little tenderness, darlin’   –















Boogie forward, baby!







Ohhhh, baby, these lonely lonely nights!!         :-)






Yes,  Katie Webster, neva’ let me go, baby!!         🙂
















Humor is our greatest elixir to relating/connecting    –









We’re here to love and be loved.    These are our core needs.      —












Nope,  Graciela,  I was born to boogie   —–         Imua, sista’    –





















my inspiration???      Boot Scootin’ Boogie,   paatna!!        :-)          Hardy ha ha ha!!













fiddle diddle me all the way,  pa-ray         :-)












In the mood a la Glenn Miller   –













great artist Sedaka’s “Solitaire”   –













great Swiss yodeler Peter Hinnen  —










and Peter’s wanderlust prodigy 15 yr. old Taylor Ware   –
















Hilo’s great Oliver Kelly’s  Say that you love me forever  

















Music composer Carmen Dragon’s son Daryl [the Capt.] & wondrous Toni Tennille   –

















great rendition of the Lion Sleeps Tonight  
















folksy Gilbert O’Sullivan   –









country comfort    –
































Boogie woogie onward, baby!!    [Sweden rolls out with great pianists/rockers Benny Andersson of Abba/Blohm/Muster/etc.][Silvan Zingg is from Switzerland]   —











the great pianist/vocalist Micke Muster    –






























and here is the most accomplished pianist  — Italy’s Matthew Lee  –





















the alltime Duel of the Pianists  –  great actors Tim Roth’s Max the Forsaken Flotsam & Clarence Williams’ Jelly Roll Mortenson  [Jelly Roll earlier didn’t offer Max a handshake —  but instead smoked a cigarette & let it slow-burn without the ash breaking off, indicating the delicate & hyper-speed finger touch to the piano] –



















take in the piano licks/riffs on this unorthodox version of Jailhouse Rock   –






vintage Elvis 1956   —












and here is the boogie vamp/riff of Romani/India Freddy Mercury of Queen   –


















iconic Elvis 1935-1977, my earliest singular idol  [as I got older, I came to appreciate dancers Eleanor Powell/Fred Astaire/crooner Sinatra]   –




the great Powell  –





















wheel along, travelling band [Oakland ethnic pluralist John Fogerty]! –






boogie vamp of Henry Mancini     –








hillbilly’s melodic Johnny B Good   –


great pipes   –   John Miles     –
Barrio Boyz version of Try a Little Tenderness    –
and Florence Welch    —
dedicated to that place where dreams are born    –
con todo mi alma y corazon  [heart & soul]
gender lesbian breakout artist Cassia Eller R.I.P.        







Ohhhhh  ….   eye — ma — hawg 4 U, babeeeeeee    …….       :-)













great sexuality in the female on the right of screen  –




















Extraordinary epic key Debbie Gibson just a teenage minor with full ensemble   –













supernatural Debbie Gibson’s antecedent Connie Francis   –















and Marie Osmond’s Paper Roses    –
























resonant alto vibrato Anne Murray   –























Dedicated to oomph pa pa oomph swanky panky Pua Hirokane!








Hop do weeeeee…..










sweetest sound of you, darlin’     –


























Kiss me goodnight!!




Roy Wood/Jeff Lynne ELO genesis   –

















“Back when …”               …  our stars of nearly half a century ago  — still luminous in our hearts today!!      —  –





enjoy especially timeclock 6:55 to 7:23 of vaudeville song/dance man Lew Grade reliving his lively “hop!”   –



[Lennon’s last public concert]





*      [thank you, Abba!]



dedicated to that place where dreams are born   — con todo mi alma y corazon [heart & soul]!!






thank you for the music!

























Musica amore!!









Hawaiian mele/song enthrallment    –


























caliente/hot!!!!    Muy bonita seniorita!!
go to time clock  12-15 seconds
                                 31-33 seconds
45-48 seconds
                                   2:16-2:20 minutes
our greatest rhythm & rock artist   –
the great Julian Lennon   [John’s son]    –
great female rocker Suzi Quatro born 1950  –





and her incomparable elder,  Paul McCartney  born 1942  –














Enjoy life & roll on, baby!   [ELO’s Jeff Lynne]







beautiful silky voice    –   Emmerson Nogueira







Jeff Lynne redux of Harrison’s melodic Give me Love







great Brian Eno diversity   –







soothing, baby    —–







sultry intro like Vince & the Valiants’ Christmas tune   –







gorgeous teeny bopper’s tune   –







soulful love   –







in my life, I love you singularly        ;-)







16 teen reasons why I love you       :-)














the angels listened it     ;-)







In the still of the night    –







tonight while I hold you so dearly    –







I wonder why?     –







teen love   –







Vince & the Valiants  –  all I want is you    –







Mariah Carey’s voice register    –







heartbreaker tribute to Eric Clapton’s toddler son who fell to his death from a skyscraper apartment bldg.    –







El DeBarge    –







Italian Ronnie James Dio  [later heavy metal legend]  R.I.P.    –







incomparable Stevie Wonder   –









sei figo!   [hot]







Baby,  I’m yours!







divine goddess Elkie Brooks!!!      –





















Riley and the Roxies    –







Robert Wells   –







Raul Malo and opening scene with Mikeki look-alike on pillow  [Mikeki, however, has cheshire cat luminous green eyes]  –







Pamela Rosenstock’s duende/passion   –







Alejandra Burgos’ bass player does a fine cover [redux] & he [out of view/camera shot] riffs the famous Peter Gunn theme song [cover here on Henry Mancini’s original number]   –













the younger the artists, the fresher their approach  –



Beautiful imagination & creativity!! Congratulations on a most remarkable confounding/revolt of a great standard [tune]. You have blended the jazzy beat of Peter Gunn [same bass vamp/riff] of over half a century ago with the great Swing rhythm of nearly a century ago. Age is a factor — the younger/fresher, the better!











Arlene Smith and the Chantels   –











E.W. Marsto    –












Stagger Lee    –
















Dona Oxford   –







Jasmine  –







Billy Thorpe   –
















A capella    –











my senior year in high school    –


The James Gang’s Funk 49, brewster!






Reba the romantic songthriller   –






Matchbox covers   –












Oh Darling covers   –














the great Neil Sedaka  –













age is not a factor with vocal pipes   –
















Lennon & McCartney lost their mothers as youngsters  — they needed strong mother figures, & these emotions showed thru their beautiful music.


Vintage Lennon  –




Vintage McCartney –





my favorite Elvis tune –






melodic Harrison –






like Asian melodies/beats which uptempo the trail/endline,  here is an atypical Western tune   –    





Streisand   –














rock on!











































Roadhouse Blues   —









The 5 Satins   —

























Mikeki [born January 11, 1956] look-alike Kendra Wilkinson  [the only difference is that Mikeki has cheshire cat luminious green eyes]   –

























physical beauty [like Romani/India Mariska Veres]  and like my dearest cousin from Kona Donna Lee born March 1955 [I pun with her by her pseudonym Julia Nickson of Hawai’i, or Jena Malone for today’s genre — as in the current film The Hatfields and the McCoys ]   –


*    [Mariska Veres]















Jena Malone [my dearest cousin Donna Lee’s look-alike]   –




Still of Jena Malone in Sucker Punch





















Dedicated to dearest Donna Lee, who is my number/type 2 on the auspicious enneagram   –









doo wop [my favorite tune era]  1950s    –













Energetic Faith Hill –
Fine wine Shania Twain  –
 Irascible Boy George  –
Kim Wilde, you seal the deal, baby  –
 Cher with Heartbreak Hotel  –
the irrepressible Freddie Mercury  –
try a little tenderness, okay?
 and when you do, you can celebrate  –
George Baker selection’s little green bag [dedicated to auspicious deejay DC & asst. Kathy at FM 97.1 & my jam maker gorgeous sexy female acquaintance from Paradise Park]  –
 Moe Keale cover “Aloha is”  –
 Sweet Springsteen on being 16 yrs. old  –
 my alltime bluezzey rockers  —  ZZ Top, baby!!   –
Oh boy, Carl Perkins
 In tribute to the incomparable Janis Joplin [featured with Tom Jones]  –
In praise of unsung belting betsy Ann Wilson of Heart  –
 & Ann’s inexplicable instigator Led Zeppelin’s Lemon Song  –
 Led Zeppelin’s & heavy metal’s Black Sabbath’s progenitor and rock supergroup Cream [Eric Clapton/drummer Ginger Baker/bass player Jack Bruce]  –
 And I present our LA rendition, Canned Heat –
 Lennon’s surreal flow — Across the Universe  [Lennon 1940-1980 started our British Invasion, transitioning in 1956 from folk skiffle to rock n roll a la Elvis  — contrary to popular opinion, Elvis’ hip gyrations were Elvis’ own, not copied from African American performers  — & Muhammad Ali’s hyperspeed shuffle reduxed our greatest modern dancer Astaire]
Sheryl Crow born 1962 is my favorite versatile vocalist
 Johnny Depp’s flourish [omit the gun scene, a gross out blip]
* [greatest version of “Try a Little Tenderness!”]
Beautiful Billy Vaughn’s saxophone  –
Bobby Hatfield’s melodic tenor –
Ricky Nelson’s upswing elan  –
Aaron Neville’s gentle energy  –
Felix Cavaliere’s amazing Young Rascals  –
The voice as an instrument  –
great male vocalist David O’Joseph  —
the voice as one’s comfort, solace, & companion  –
the voice as sensuality   –
 great pitch & inflection, or musical arrangement  –
the greatest one second “run” [curl & glide notes which mimic the most sensual emotions]
 Florencia Villagra curls & glides her notes in the greatest one second “run” [trail] I’ve heard & seen.   Go to middle of this You tube at 1:38 [time sequence at the bottom of the video]  & catch this marvel at the end of the chorus just as she starts again at the words “oh darling.”    “Oh” absolutely is the most artful & erotic slide in a second of time.   Remarkable projection.





great rocker Graham Bonnet belts out a divine number    –
















beautiful rendition from crooner Don McLean  –












and Anne Murray’s brother Bruce   –

































In memoriam  Steve Lee 1963-2010  –







Sheryl Crow’s reprise   –

















fine female harmony  –








Sedaka’s melodious voice  –














and DeGuires’ lovely yodel/trope /trill [warble-curled note] –














hold on tight to your dreams   –











I can dream, can’t I?        –    Skyliners
















R.I.P. Karen Carpenter 1950-1983








some youngsters are born with musical pipes   –













Jennifer Rodriguez’ sultry sensual voice amid bare amenities –













Give’m the pipes, Goldie Hawn!   –




Hilo’s hoopster Kiyo Hamakawa born 1929 was Kurt Russell’s hanai papa [Springfield College MA.]













Portugal/Luso bonita Eva Danin’s powerful pipes   –








the mystical Argentine, Roni Riberi  –






great actor Gary Oldman  –



















dreamscapes     –













Jackie Wilson’s dancing prowess   –




















resonant baritone vocal & guitar bass backdrop   –


















workout, baby!!    [unmatched soulful Jackie Wilson’s alternate version]    –



















Ohhhhhh, darling……….     the great unknown vocalist — teenager Anna Zorkina of Russia   –




























dedicated to great screen artist Chazz Palminteri & loving & lovely actress Taral Hicks  –






Sexy Mary Ann [Marina], our Texas Belle    –









meet our greatest rhythm & rock artist   — incomparable Jackie Wilson  –
here are   Lonely Teardrops   at 2:17 on timeclock –   immense passion/elan of  nonpareil Jackie Wilson    –



































the French do kiss!!     😉       –








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5 Responses to Coming off the mountaintop — savior & redeemer Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900

  1. Pingback: Your stigma/disgrace by others does not define you | Curtis Narimatsu

  2. Pingback: Alone — Nature’s reality | Curtis Narimatsu

  3. Pingback: Great sages Frankl & Kalas on the indomitable Nietzsche | Curtis Narimatsu

  4. Pingback: Great ennoblers of wisdom Frankl & Kalas on the taboo topic of suicide | Curtis Narimatsu

  5. Pingback: Should there be a sacred veil over photos of imminent/tragic death???? You decide….. | Curtis Narimatsu

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